Canadian National Grip Sport Championships
Saturday, February 24th, 2018
Ottawa, ON
Weigh-Ins: 8 am to 9:30 am
Contest Start: 10 am
Saxon Bar (Sorinex)
Shallow Hub (World of Grip)
Bearing Lift (Dube Cube)
Wrist Wrench
Little Big Horn (IronMind)
Two-Hand Tips Tester (Barrel Strength)
Weight Classes:
Men’s 83 kg / 105 kg / 105+ kg
Women’s Open
Men’s Masters Open (50+ Years)
Awards for top three finishers in each class and overall champion
Reverse Strongman Scoring
Contest Format and Entry Fee TBA
Open to all Canadian residents - No pre-qualification requirements
Contact Eric Roussin by email ([email protected]) or phone (613-986-1724) to register and/or for additional information, including venue details.