5th Annual International King Kong Grip Challenge
Saturday, October 28th, 2017
Ottawa, Ontario and Edmonton, Alberta
Part of a Multi-City Mega Contest
Canada – England – Italy – Ukraine – United States
Flask One Hand Pinch Deadlift (Barrel Strength Systems)
2.5” Crusher (FBBC)
Stub (World of Grip)
2” V-Bar (FBBC)
Weight Classes:
Men: 59kg / 66kg / 74kg / 83kg / 93kg / 105kg / 120kg / 120+kg
Men's Masters 50+ Years: Open
Women: Open
Medals for the top three finishers in each class
Medals for the top lift in each event
Medal for the best pound-for-pound performance
Award for the overall champion plus the title of "The King Kong of Grip"
Reverse Strongman Scoring
Open to All!
Canada Venue Details
Location 1: Ottawa, Ontario
Entry Fee - $20 (includes lunch)
Contact Eric Roussin by email ([email protected]) or phone (613-986-1724) to register and/or for additional information, including venue details.
Location 2: Edmonton, Alberta (Details to come)